Cannon Beach Fire & Rescue Association
CPR Classes are now available to the public, please click here to sign up for our August class. If that date does not work, please click here to be added to the waitlist form. updated: 6.22.23 -SA
In 2002, the Cannon Beach Fire & Rescue Association (“Association”) was established as a non-profit 501.c3 corporation under State and Federal regulations.
The purpose of the organization is to raise and disburse funds towards projects to enhance the ability of the volunteer firefighters to execute the mission of the Cannon Beach RFPD with respect to life and property safety in our community.
The Association works tirelessly to make ensure your generously donated funds are being used in the most beneficial manner. Whether it's upgrading equipment, researching the latest gadgets, sponsoring training events, or helping create a hospitable environment to retain volunteers.
This year the Association also set up a new email, and a phone extension 150. If you have any questions or needs, please do not hesitate to reach out. This email and voice messages are monitored by our Executive Board members.
The following is a list of our current Association Executive Board (E-Board) members (as of 2023):
President: Silvia Avila
Vice President: Andrew Lawrie
Treasurer: Luke Williams
Secretary: Erik Ostrander
Sergeant in Arms: Keaton Walde
These position terms are two years in length. The E-Board members have additional duties to perform and vote on purchases with the Association's members' desires and needs in mind.
![May contain: person, human, shoe, clothing, footwear, apparel, and helmet](
![May contain: person, human, helmet, clothing, apparel, bonfire, fire, and flame](
![May contain: helicopter, transportation, vehicle, aircraft, person, human, military, shoe, clothing, footwear, apparel, and coast guard](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: helmet, apparel, clothing, fireman, person, and human](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, plant, vegetation, and nature](
![May contain: person, human, helmet, clothing, apparel, path, tree, and plant](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, helmet, apparel, clothing, shelf, sunglasses, accessory, and accessories](
![May contain: human, person, transportation, vehicle, truck, and fire truck](
![May contain: human, person, vehicle, truck, transportation, clothing, footwear, shoe, apparel, tire, and pants](
![May contain: person, human, fireman, helmet, clothing, and apparel](
![May contain: human, person, tent, and leisure activities](
![May contain: human, person, clothing, apparel, sunglasses, accessories, accessory, pants, and shorts](
![May contain: person and human](
![May contain: human, person, road, asphalt, tarmac, truck, transportation, vehicle, and fire truck](
![May contain: person and human](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: face, person, human, clothing, apparel, smile, and head](
![May contain: person, human, apparel, footwear, clothing, and shoe](
![May contain: person, human, face, apparel, clothing, and smile](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, hydrant, and fire hydrant](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: apparel, helmet, clothing, human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: clothing, apparel, person, human, and helmet](
![May contain: helmet, clothing, apparel, person, human, and hardhat](
![May contain: helmet, clothing, apparel, person, human, and outdoors](
![May contain: human, person, clothing, apparel, helmet, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, helmet, apparel, clothing, and hardhat](
![May contain: apparel, clothing, helmet, human, person, crash helmet, footwear, shoe, and hardhat](
![May contain: person, human, apparel, footwear, shoe, clothing, and helmet](
![May contain: person, human, clothing, helmet, apparel, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, truck, transportation, and vehicle](
![event booth with firefighter equipment](
![May contain: person, human, shoe, clothing, footwear, apparel, and helmet](
![May contain: person, human, helmet, clothing, apparel, bonfire, fire, and flame](
![May contain: helicopter, transportation, vehicle, aircraft, person, human, military, shoe, clothing, footwear, apparel, and coast guard](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: helmet, apparel, clothing, fireman, person, and human](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, plant, vegetation, and nature](
![May contain: person, human, helmet, clothing, apparel, path, tree, and plant](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, helmet, apparel, clothing, shelf, sunglasses, accessory, and accessories](
![May contain: human, person, transportation, vehicle, truck, and fire truck](
![May contain: human, person, vehicle, truck, transportation, clothing, footwear, shoe, apparel, tire, and pants](
![May contain: person, human, fireman, helmet, clothing, and apparel](
![May contain: human, person, tent, and leisure activities](
![May contain: human, person, clothing, apparel, sunglasses, accessories, accessory, pants, and shorts](
![May contain: person and human](
![May contain: human, person, road, asphalt, tarmac, truck, transportation, vehicle, and fire truck](
![May contain: person and human](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: face, person, human, clothing, apparel, smile, and head](
![May contain: person, human, apparel, footwear, clothing, and shoe](
![May contain: person, human, face, apparel, clothing, and smile](
![May contain: human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, hydrant, and fire hydrant](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: apparel, helmet, clothing, human, person, and fireman](
![May contain: clothing, apparel, person, human, and helmet](
![May contain: helmet, clothing, apparel, person, human, and hardhat](
![May contain: helmet, clothing, apparel, person, human, and outdoors](
![May contain: human, person, clothing, apparel, helmet, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, and fireman](
![May contain: human, person, helmet, apparel, clothing, and hardhat](
![May contain: apparel, clothing, helmet, human, person, crash helmet, footwear, shoe, and hardhat](
![May contain: person, human, apparel, footwear, shoe, clothing, and helmet](
![May contain: person, human, clothing, helmet, apparel, and fireman](
![May contain: person, human, truck, transportation, and vehicle](
![event booth with firefighter equipment](